Wednesday 29 February 2012


It's not a word that our society is comfortable with.  And yet, there are more slaves today than ever due to the incredible influx of the flesh trade, also known as the human trafficking trade.  My friends Niki, Chris and I went to an awareness night at a local church in St. Catharines to watch a video called Call + Response.  Here are some facts and thoughts that were shared:

* In one year, one person can make as much as 240, 000 with only three slaves.

* There are more than 27, 000, 000 men and women who are slaves in the human trafficking trade - more than ever before and most of them are children.  It is the fastest growing crime in the world worth hundreds of billions of dollars ($32 billion last year alone).

* One girl had never been to school and related that she had been a slave for more than 6 years, averaging about 1000 sexual encounters per year.  She asked us to do the math for her for how often that would mean she's had intercourse.

* The fact that corruption has spread to high ranking officials and police officers who are often given free services for turning a blind eye makes trafficked girls realize that they can't trust even those who had sworn an oath by whom to be protected.

* The visual images of where these brothels are and what their living situation looks like were devastating.

* There were girls about 6-8 from Cambodia who were using terms like "boom boom" for intercourse and "yum yum" for oral sex.  They were referring to that, "Yes.  Is good.  Can do boom boom" and were seemingly excited to be able to claim that as they propositioned the man holding the camera.

* There are recruits who lie to women about job opportunities (maids, education, travel, etc.) and then those that accept those positions are actually trafficked.

* Slaves are sold for $4-$1000.  Most are in the $200-400 range.  In the past, you could buy a slave on US soil for the equivalent of $40, 000.  You can buy the same slave today for $300.  Oral sex can cost as low as 10 cents.

* Virgins are sewed back up because they garner more money.

* There was one man who was in a stand at a local market in Cambodia. He said that the only joy he got from his life as a slave was that other people were finding joy in the beautiful things he made for a local market.

* Most women who enter the trade unwillingly can not go back home either because the shame is so great on their family, or the traffickers threaten them that their families will be endangered.

* This trade extends to child soldiers and any person who is forced to work with no pay and is not free to leave.  This occurs in the rice fields, in the chocolate industry, in the cotton industry, in the coffee industry.

* The theme of abolition is evident in so many genres of music - voices who will not let this social justice movement be silenced.

* "Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public."

* "It is easy to be caught in either apathy or the paralysis of despair.  To be so overwhelmed by the pain of the world that you shut it out."


* It is important to pray for those who are being trafficked but also for the traffickers.

* Bring awareness - don't let this topic become taboo.

* Write your MP and ask them to support Joy Smith, a strong advocate.

* Sign petitions - there's a bill to legalize prostitution in Canada (C310) - let your voice be heard!

* Host an awareness night.

* Get a group together to pay for the freeing of a slave through IJM (International Justice Mission).  Cost: $1000 per slave.

* Invite people to dessert parties! :)

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