Friday 24 February 2012

Classroom art

At the end of almost every day I receive visits from some of the kids of faculty members here.  They finish their day and then walk over to find their parent(s).  One little girl, Moeanna, always makes it about 3/4 of the way down the hallway before she breaks into a run to give me a bear hug.  She certainly holds a special place in my heart.  Sometimes she will come to have snack or eat one she didn't finish from earlier in the day.  Sometimes she will colour pictures. And others she will sit on my lap and just tell me about her day.  Today she drew me a picture.  This is what it looks like:

Can you guess what it represents?

A bed.  Good.  I got that far.

A pillow on the bed?  Yep!  Got that too! :)

Now, can you see the invisible groundhog that's on the pillow on the bed?  Yeah. Me neither.  I had to guess a lot of animals before I got to that one.  The hole with the line on the left is the groundhog's entrance into his cave, and the line above marks the fact that the bed is under the ground.  On the top we have a small wisp of cloud and just peeking in the top right hand corner is the sun.

I love the imagination of children!

Some of the other art that can be found in my classroom:
Moeanna learned how to draw faces.
1) Draw a U.
2) Take the same distance as the U using your fingers to measure.  Duplicate that distance in the middle and top of the U and then draw a dot.
3)  Draw lines to the dot.
4) Draw two ovals for eyes.
5) Draw an 8 for the nose.
6) Add embellishments (mouth, chin, freckles, wrinkles, hair). 

 Another Moeanna creation

 The next two are from Ellyanna


 This one is double-sided.  When I am feeling calm I put it on the blue side, and when I am feeling stressed out it's on the orange side.

 From a grade 7 student.  I guess she just likes cows?

 From a grade 8 student

 From a grade 9 student

 This one and the next one are from grade 10 students

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