Friday 24 February 2012

My new purchase

is a bit of a splurge.

Check it out:

I think I'm in love and might be drooling just a bit.

My last camera died a quick but painful death.  I guess you could our relationship went down the crapper.  Yes.  That means it fell down the toilet.  Before you ask the inevitable question, "WHAT were you taking pictures of in the bathroom?!?!?"  No.  I did not have a substantial bowel movement that I was so proud of that I needed to capture the special moment to later scrapbook.  I have a Y chromosome.  I put my purse on the back of the toilet seat because I didn't see a hook and when I turned around all I heard was a SPLOOSH.  I went out to get some rice to soak the camera, but it simply could not be salvaged.  So, merry belated Christmas to me.  I'm going to have fun being artistic with this.  And beware - when you think you're out of my range ... check out this zoom!!!

Yeah.  I know.

So be prepared for some great shots on future blogs! 

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