Friday 24 February 2012

How can we praise God in French class?

This was a question I posed my grade 9 students and I had them each come up with 5 ways in which they could praise God in this class.  They wrote their answers on construction paper and then I posted them at the front of the room to remind them of these personal goals.

Here is a list of what they came up with:

  1. Do not curse.  Obey the rules.
  2. Read the Bible.
  3. Mingle with the other students.
  4. Keep the classroom clean.
  5. Don’t cheat
  1. Do work efficiently
  2. No name calling
  3. Repecting teachers and classmates
  4. No tearing others down
  5. Don’t get disgusted by learning French 
  1. Don’t laugh at other’s mistakes.
  2. Obey the teacher
  3. Don’t plagiarize
  4. Don’t use inappropriate language
  5. Enjoy your class and don’t be grumpy
  1. Teacher rules us not us over the teacher.
  2. Do not use vulgar language.
  3. Go God’s work.
  4. Don’t pass notes.
  5. Don’t break teacher’s stuff.
  1. Do your best
  2. Don’t be late for class.
  3. Don’t cheat on tests/assignments
  4. Respect people’s property
  5. Do all to glorify God
  1. Bring all books you need to class.
  2. Participate in class activities
  3. Respect the teacher and classmates
  4. Finish homework on time
  1. Be joyful
  2. Be efficient
  3. Be patient
  4. Don’t antagonize
  5. Have a colorful personality
  1. Obey teacher
  2. Don’t plagiarize
  3. Tell the truth
  4. Obey class rules
  5. No vulgar language (English + French)
  1. Have fun (don’t be a grump)
  2. Don’t be late for class
  3. Respect others and property
  4. Do your best
  5. Be nice to teacher
  6. Be nice to classmates
  1. If someone is struggling, offer to help after school or at lunch
  2. Be supportive of others succeses and abilities
  3. Share the materials needed to complete the tasks needed
  4. Do not tempt your peers to cheat or support them in it, also do not cheat yourself
  5. Try to the best of our ability to speak French, using our skills God gave us to speak, write French
  1. Help others be kind
  2. Do your best in your work
  3. Be efficient in your work
  4. Be joyful
  5. When in doubt, ask the teacher
  1. No plagiarism
  2. Respect people’s property
  3. Do work to the glory of God
  4. Be kind to others
  1. Help your peers understand the lessons
  2. Don’t talk loudly so as to be a distraction
  3. SMILE! Attitudes are contagious
  4. Don’t call each other names! Show you care!
  5. Don’t mock your peer’s work, marks, and projects
  1. Obey Bible above everything.
  2. Respect other’s property to the best of ability
  3. Attend all possible classes
  4. Don’t use washroom in first 15 minutes
  5. (Do) Try your best

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are awesome Kim. You are an awesome teacher :)
