Wednesday 22 February 2012


I just realized that I have many nicknames.

At home, I am Kim, Kimber, Kimberly (when I got in trouble), Kimberly Grace (when I got into serious trouble), AngeKimKarenNickMeg - when Mom couldn't decide which one I was! :)

At school, I am Kim, Miss Hultink, Mademoiselle, Mrs. Hultink, #22, Hey!, Hultink, Madame, Miss K. Hultink (to differentiate myself from my sister), Elementary, the French teacher, the French Department, Frenchie, mon petit gateau, ma cherie, mon amour (a new one from this year!) :), Miss Hontek (as per one grade 1 student who coloured a picture for me which now decorates my classroom), Miss Kralt, Miss teBokkel, Miss Holltink

With friends, I am Kim, Kimmer, Kimmy, Key-im, Miss Kim, buddy, friend, "Hey you!", Kimifer, Kimothy.

At camp, I am Yahmi or B-Diddie.  Yes, B-Diddie.  That before my Campfire! time.

And with my nieces (real or adopted), I am Tante Kim, Tante, Bababoobody (according to Sarah when she is in a joking mood), and a new one as of tonight: Tonka Kim. :)

That brings the total to 38.  Hokes bedokes!

Can you think of any that I might be missing?


  1. I keep thinking Kimothy or Kimifer...but I don't know why & didn't know if you'd approve. But since you're fine with Tonka Kim and #22.....

    Nvm. You didn't forget any.

    But you've inspired me. I think I might have more that you, we'll see. It's my next blog post :P

    1. Oh, right! I forgot about those two. I also thought of a few more. And I'm probably even missing a few! :) I'm looking forward to reading your list.
