Saturday 25 February 2012

East Coast Memories - Day 2

The Mitchauds provided a wonderful breakfast the next morning - a wider assortment of breads and croissants and their accompanying condiments.  Marsha even got an espresso!  We left at 7 am so that we could make it to Hartland, New Brunswick for a late lunch at the longest covered bridge in the world.

From here we drove to St. John and had dinner while we waited for the ferry departure time. 

 We also visited the reversing falls.  These falls change direction depending on whether the tide is going out or coming in.  Pretty cool!  

After waiting for the terminal attendant to print off our tickets (30 minutes!!), we boarded the ferry.

Poor Em!  She felt so sick!  The trip took 3 hours.  We took turns going on the internet, napping and watching an inhouse movie - Rando.  We got off the fairy and arrived in Kejimkujik National Park at 12:30.  An hour later, our camp was set up and we were fast asleep.  Sweet dreams until the next trip down memory lane!

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