Thursday 16 February 2012

Unda da sea! Dahling it's bettah down where it's wettah! :)

I love teaching.  You never know what each day is going to bring.  You plan a routine and schedule the events of the day, but there are always surprises.  Like today - well, this time it was a surprise for my students, not me.  In my last period, my sister Megan who teaches grade 2 had her class come into mine.  Thankfully this class is very small so it wasn't too crazy! :)  Grade 2 had been learning about the ocean and all of the life forms that can be found therein.  So, Meg and I constructed a plan.  Well, actually Meg constructed it.  I just supported and enabled it.  When her kids came to my room, I turned off all the lights and closed the blinds and the kids had to use flashlights and magnifying glasses to explore items in my room and then later report back to the other Miss Hultink to share the treasures they had found. I think they really enjoyed themselves! Good work, Miss M. Hultink! :)  She's such a cool teacher.  Items of most interest to the students were in no particular order: the picture of their teacher on my desk trying to drink water from a sprinkler (I may have staged that one), the jar of alfalfa sprouts growing on my desk, items in my bar fridge in the corner, a bag of yarn, pictures on the Paris bulletin board, the 3 alien desks (the ones with white seats, not purple like the rest of the class), the piano, and the license plates that decorate my desk.  I wonder what else they've shared back at class?

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