Wednesday 15 February 2012

Stewardship of Time

Part of this came from a devotion I recently prepared for our faculty devotions.  
Time is not something that we like to think of a lot and yet as teachers, is something that  we operate with and probably make reference to many times during the school day - how many minutes until recess, how much longer for the lunchtime detention, is it possible to squeeze in the next part of the lesson when I only have so much time left? when is the 100th day of school. We look at days and weeks in sequence and ensure that the curriculum gets completed within the 10 month time frame. 
What does your schedule look like outside of the hours you spend in class? What does your average week look like - and the time that you spend and where your priorities are?  If you had to do an assessment now, where would you land?  I think if I'm being really honest with myself, I waste a lot of my time.  
Time is important to look at also in terms of stewardship.  Often this term is used when applied to finances.  To maintain a healthy financial balance, some of us may map out our income with our expenses to verify that sufficient funds are provided for church, education and living expenses.  Have you ever considered mapping out how you spend your time?  Have you ever been intentional about how you are going to spend the 1, 440 minutes that are provided for you each day?  Obviously, this would get cumbersome as a daily task, but I challenge you to consider doing this every once in a while to monitor where your priorities lie.
How you spend your time shows where your priorities are.  Each one of us has been given enough time to accomplish God’s purpose for us on this planet. Time is our most valuable asset, but without a proper perspective, we will spend it foolishly.  Maybe some of us, myself included, in giving an honest evaluation of our daily activities, fall into temptations to not spend our time wisely.  There are so many things that I allow to distract me: 
1) facebook - a great social networking tool, but should be limited to use
2) pinterest - a newly discovered website that has lots of great ideas 
3) iPod - I have some games downloaded
4) tv - I don't actually watch tv on my computer, but there are some websites that post latest episodes.  I find that when I'm working late, I'll just put on an episode to have on the background while I'm working.
5) blogging - I have a weekly weight loss log that I keep active with and I'm working on keep this on up-to-date as well.

And I've decided things have to change.  I want to spend more time reading and studying God's Word.  Confession time: I'm too quick to come up with lame excuses for so many things in my life because I like being lazy.  I want to fit time in to create a more stable exercise routine.  So, step one:  I deleted all the games on my iPod.  Step two:  I will only stay at school until the class starts at the gym.  This way, I won't be tempted to work so crazy late at school, I'll be sure to get my exercise in, and I have someone to hold me accountable for what and how much I'm watching.  Step three:  I will only watch shows in the living room or basement - not in my bedroom.  I get tempted to watch a show and then it goes way past my bedtime and that's no good either.  Step four:  I won't watch shows with my headphones.  Step five: Prayerfully consider getting more involved with some kind of ministry (Operations for Campfire!, Faithworks, Evangelism Committee, Out of the Cold - a few of the options that have been presented to me).  Step five: Write and post a schedule which includes not only school commitments, but exercise and personal devotional commitments and STICK TO IT!!  This last one's a doozie, but a necessary and healthy one.
Some passages to encourage me about using time through the lens of God’s Word.  
1) (Eph. 5:15-16) - Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

2) Ps. 90:12 - So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.
3) Col 4:5 - Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.

4) Romans 12:12 - Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. :) stewardship of time...oh yes. Facebook is my biggest crime. Blogging, however, is something I expect of myself - I don't consider it a time-waster at all!
