Blessings List

A friend of mine introduced me to a cool idea for my blog - a blessings list.  This is a list which includes all of the things that I've already done that weren't on my bucket list but still are pretty interesting and ones that others might have had on theirs.  As I think of more, I'll add them on.

So here goes ...

Have fun
1. Go dogsledding
2. Go in a hot air balloon (it was attached to the ground via cable so I have yet to experience the real deal)
3. Hike the Appalachian Trail (part of it)
4. Go canoeing
5. Kayaked for 10 days along Lake Superior
6. Go tubing
7. Swim in the ocean (Atlantic and Pacific as well as the Mediterranean Sea)
8. Become fluent in French
9. Play an instrument (piano- intermediate/advanced, guitar-beginner)
10. Sing in a choir (Awake to Praise - 2 years, Chorus Niagara - 2 years)
11. Go zip-lining (Quebec and Appalachians)
12. Go whale-watching
13. Get my B.A. and B.Ed.
14. Go spelunking
15. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
16. Donate blood
17. Start a blog :)
18. Cook a turkey
19. Go skeet-shooting
20. Volunteered at a children's camp
21. Gone wilderness camping, complete with portaging!

Interesting foods
1. emu
2. alligator
3. escargot
4. moon pie
5. horse
6. gumbo
7. jambalaya
8. hummus
9. baba ghanoush
10. beignet
11. gelato

Places I've been
1. France - Paris, Giverny, Versailles, Mont St. Michel, Carcassonne, the Pyrenees, Reims, Loire Valley
2. Italy - Rome, Florence, Verona, Venice
3. Switzerland - Neuchatel, Bern, Lucern, the Alps
4. Belgium - Brussels, Bruges
5. Holland - Amsterdam, Delft, Rotterdam, Dortrecht,
6. England - London
7. Germany (west side) - Trier
8. Luxembourg - Luxembourg
9. Vatican City
10. Monaco
11. Australia - Sydney (just the airport)
12. New Zealand (North Island and port city in South Island-Picton)
13. Canada - BC, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI
14. US - Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Ohio, Vermont, Washington, Connecticut, LA - just the airport

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