Wednesday 1 June 2011

Spring Fling

So today was a fun day!  After school today we had our Spring Fling - an event to just socialize as a student body and build school spirit.  First, 6 teams were given a bag of newspaper, tape, scissors, pipe cleaners, balloons and ribbon.  Their task was to create the tallest, most aesthetically pleasing free-standing structure.  Creativity piqued, they jumped to the task and as you can see, came up with some great finished products. When it was all done, a colleague and I went around to each one to judge the entries.  And here comes my favourite part of the night: we gave each side of the gym 4 minutes to try to get all the garbage from their side over to the other side.  The side with the least amount of spread-out garbage on their side won.  Check out the pictures - so funny! :)  After some pizza, we regrouped everyone and did skits in a bag.  The students were given a bag of random items, a theme, an emotion and three vocab words to incorporate into their theme.  All in all - a great night!

Vice-Prez (V), Treasurer (T), President (P), Secretary (S)
I love these kids!

1 comment:

  1. that looks like way too much fun! you guys have such a great bunch of kids and I enjoy that you captured so much on film, kudos!
