Saturday 28 May 2011

Every journey begins with a single step

After signing up for WW, I decided to take some good steps to helping me on my journey to becoming a healthier me.

Step #1: rid my cupboards of everything not healthy or could be healthy but WAY too tempting!

Step #2: Tell lots of people to help them hold me accountable.

Step #3: Go grocery shopping with the Points system in mind, but still allowing myself to eat "normal" foods.  I'm not doing this to eliminate carbs from my diet or only eat apples.  I want this to be something that I can follow through with after my one year challenge is up!

Step #4: Challenge myself to try healthy foods that I've never had before.  This week's challenge: bok choy and tofu.  If you have any great ideas for either of those, that would be very much appreciated!

I'm really excited to give this yet another go.  Weight has always been a struggle for me, but I'm hoping that the more people that I tell about this, the more (and longer) motivated I'll be to stick to it!


  1. I'll keep it in mind when I'm coming up with recipes! I loooove healthy foods. And new foods. Maybe I'll link to a few of my favourite recipe sites on my blog....

  2. p.s. - the taught has become the teacher - nice work on the layout!!!
