Sunday 5 June 2011

This weekend

So this weekend I was pretty humiliated.  I went to Canada's Wonderland with a group of friends and we went as a group to Behemoth for the first ride.  I waited in line for an hour only to find out that I didn't fit in the seat so I was asked to step off the ride.  I had to watch as the rest of my friends - all 13 of them, went on the ride and had a blast and come back to give me apologetic, somewhat ashamed for me (and I wonder of me?) looks.  I only went on one ride all day because I was so self-conscious and did not want a repeat of that occurrence.  Although I felt completely disgraced and insecure, I'm choosing to use this as even more motivation to lose weight.  When I can't fit in a chair that most people fit in to, that's a problem.  So Weight Watchers - look out.  I'm serious about it this time.  No more stupid excuses.  No more bad eating habits.  I've had enough and I'm tired of being "Thunder thighs" and "the fat teacher" and having kids mistake me for being pregnant.  Good-bye fat.  I don't want to ever see you later.

PS  I had fun moments, too, but I'll share those for another blog.


  1. Kim! I will NEVER be ashamed of you (excep for when you think I might be - espesh over something as minor as weight.) And I'm glad you're choosing to use this as motivation, but I also doubt that your kids think of you as fat. Keep up the good work on the wieghtloss - but I don't wanna see another post like this, k? We love you (& I seriously still think its pathetic that they made the ride that unaccommodating.)

  2. Kim, I am so proud of you for sharing everything on this journey, it's a very honest look at how you're feeling and the emotions you're experiencing. Thank you for being so authentic, that takes a lot of courage.

    I will be praying for you that those pounds continue to come off, keep it up girl!!
