Friday 3 June 2011

Week 2

Well, I've just finished week 2 of Weight Watchers and I'm feeling pretty good!  I've managed to lose a total of 11.2 pounds so far and I am still eating so much food!  I am sometimes hungry, but when I get the urge to munch on something not so healthy, I now have my fridge stocked full of fruits and veggies.  I am so excited about this and am thankful for all of the support with friends (especially my two partners in crime), my other coworkers (aka Kim's Konscience Klub - complete with week-to-week line graph updates on the back of the staffroom door) and my family.  Just so you know, I'm only giving the info of how much I've lost per week. They don't actually have a starting weight to go by - I'm not that brave!  My dad asked me if I noticed a difference and I’d love to be able to say that I’m down a pant size and am rummaging through smaller clothes that I have hidden in bins throughout my house, but I’m not at that stage yet.  When that happens, I will most definitely write a post! :)

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