Friday 10 June 2011

Zechariah 4:10

Over the past little while, I have been contemplating doing some (hopefully inexpensive) renovating in my bedroom.  Some new paint, some fun accents, some new (or refurbished) furniture perhaps.  And one of the ways to make my room more a reflection of who I am, or rather who lives in me, I wanted to put a Bible verse on the wall.   I went to the Christian bookstore and I found one that intrigued me as I had never heard it before.  I'm sure I've read over it, but it never really stuck.  Check it out:  
Cool, eh?  I know!  Here's a bit of context: Zechariah wanted to rebuild the temple and called the people to repent.  Joshua was given new priestly clothes and in chapter 4, a promise comes that Zerubbabel will not only lay the foundation of the new temple, but that it would also be completed by him.  And in verse ten, God says using the words of the ESV, "Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?"  Those who despaired of finishing the work, shall rejoice when they see Zerubbabel giving directions what to do, and taking care that the work be done until the time when it was actually completed. 

I started thinking about this in terms of my life and was astonished to see how many ways this can be applied.  So often we can get discouraged when we try something and it doesn't work to our immediate advantage - whether that be in arena of domestic life (cleaning the house, planting a garden, taking care of the lawn, renovating, completing a scrapbook or construction project), work life (completing marking, acquiring a desired promotion or job designation, getting through curriculum, ensuring that the students are learning how to be good Christian citizens and light-bearers), personal life (breaking that bad habit, losing or keeping the pounds off, getting into shape, fulfilling personal goals) or spiritual life (becoming more intimate with God more regularly, desiring to spend more time with Him in prayer and excited to read His word, being a prayer warrior, finding the courage to witness at every opportunity that is presented).  

I could go on, but you get the idea.  We're called to begin the work and plant the seed - God will see it finished and harvested.  We just need to remain faithful to Him, obeying His voice and that is cause for all of heaven to rejoice.  Imagine - the Lord rejoicing over my earthly work!  That's cause enough for me to stay motivated.  What about you?

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