Wednesday 7 March 2012

East Coast Memories - Day 7

I was very excited to go back and visit the friends I had made the previous summer in PEI.  Today was Sunday - time for church.  Poor Em.  We pulled into the parking lot in the morning and two oversized vans full with 2 different families just happened to be people from her school visiting the island at the same time as us.

I got hugs from Allison and Levi (the pastor's wife and son), Mr. VanderZwaag, Rachel, the VanDyks.  Deanna and Isaac were visiting that day as well.  The Verburgs and VanderMeulens had just left.  Quite the reunion central.

The day was very relaxed.  Sleeping in.  Church.  Beach. Church. Reading around the fire.  Bed on time. A true day of rest!

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