Monday 5 March 2012

East Coast Memories - Day 4

We got up early and drove to Chester.  I didn't have anything in my journal other than "saw a deer" for this stop.  I think I remember being somewhat disappointed by the supposed character of the city.  If I remember correctly, it was my relatives that suggested this stop.  From Chester we drove to Peggy's Cove - an over-touristed/commercialized pile of rocks with a lighthouse, but picturesque nonetheless.

From here, we drove to Halifax.  Before we found parking as we were driving around the city, we realized that we were just in time for the opening of the gates to a local historical site of the judicial buildings for a Metallica concert.  It was now time to hit the stores!  Emily and Marsha found purses and Marsha found a rather expensive table runner that went into her hope chest.  

How cute is this????

Purses now emptied of look change and then some, we made our way to Uncle Marv and Aunt Laurie's place.   We were treated to a lovely dinner of spaghetti, garlic bread, salad.  Our lemony dessert was concocted by my cousin Trev - very tasty!  He was so proud to present it to us in glass dishes in lots of layers.  This night I finally did poopies.  This was rather momentous as I was feeling VERY uncomfortable.  I figured if Sarah is allowed to talk about it, I can too! :)  We stayed up late talking and even got to relax our muscles in their hot tub, which was particularly good for Marsha as her back was not feeling very good.  We all slept well this night.  Thus ends Day 4! 

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