Thursday 1 March 2012

East Coast Memories - Day 3

This day was glorious.  We were not welcomed with sweltering heat as our compadres back in the homeland for which I was thankful.  After our late night arrival and set-up we decided to not set our alarms and just enjoy the day.  I slept in until 10 am to the smell of Emily doing some rather fantastic brekkie-making.  We had quite the smorgasbord with omelettes, bacon, orange juice and toast!

While I walked to the head office to register our campsite, Em and Marsha cleaned up the camp and set up the laundry.  This was my favourite of all the national parks that we had visited.  Upon my return, we packed up our beach materials and off we went.  The beach was small, but really lovely.  The water actually had a copper hue to it.  I went swimming for about 45 minutes and then just relaxed in the sand.

That afternoon, we drove to Lunenburg but I forgot my camera, so I'll have to get those from Em (I hope she still has them!).  We saw the Bluenose, but it was under construction so we couldn't actually go on it.  We ate at this lovely restaurant right on the waterfront.  I had bruscetta with scallops, halibut with strawberry salsa, julienned veggies and garlic mashed potatoes.  We missed out on a ceileh that night, but I am still hoping to make it to a live performance one of these days!  We picked up some firewood on the way home, piled on the warm clothes when we got to camp and chatted by the fire until the early hours of the morning.  Thus ends Day 3 - hopefully more pictures pending!

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