Saturday 9 July 2011

Sunday night

It was so special to have my sister Andrea, her husband James and their four kids in the bench behind me in church.  It is a very rare privilege and I had a hard time facing the front!  Ange actually gave me a hand-spanking in the air from down the bench, but it was done with a smile so I know I was forgiven.  Thankfully we sit in the balcony so there weren't too many people that I could have distracted.  It was such a great blessing to have Sarah be able to sit in church.  I know that she often does so back in Rock Valley, but this was a first for a Canadian visit!  After I had finished playing at Garden Manor, I went to Mom and Dad's to hang out with the family once again. After a quick supper and after the kids had gone to bed (and Tante Kim snuck upstairs to give them all kisses) :), we played the game Moods.  It was hilarious.  Karen and Nick ended up tying so they had a "mood-off" which proved to be quite entertaining.  One highlight would be when Ange had to read a sentence using the emotion of sneaky.  I'm pretty sure that we all had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard.

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