Sunday 3 July 2011

Last weekend

Last weekend, I probably had the best celebration of being finished school.  My friend Mandy slept over from Friday to Sunday.  On Friday we just chilled playing a fun game called Killer Bunnies.  Any interested persons in learning this game, one word of advice: beware of Mandy - she will kill all your bunnies in an effort to win the Magic Carrot.  I know what you're thinking - the Magic Carrot? Bunnies being killed?  What kind of a game IS this?  All I have to say is don't knock it till you've tried it! :)

On Saturday we made our way to Port Dalhousie where we had a picnic at the end of the pier and then spent some time on the carousel.  

Saturday night will be my next blog ... enjoy the pics! :)

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