Saturday 9 July 2011

My pride and joy

Last summer I started building a pond for my backyard.  I love the sound of running water and wanted a little piece of that for my yard.  Aside from the liner, pump and filter, everything else was free of charge.  It looks good, doesn't it?

My vegetable garden

Don't judge me, but I just finished planting my vegetable garden yesterday.  Because of my busy schedule as a teacher, I don't find any time during the school year to grow plants from seeds like so many of my friends.  Instead, if I wait until the plants go on clearance, I get more mature plants for much cheaper!  When my computer will allow me I'll show you some before and after shots.  I think you'll be amazed by the transformation!



*Add pictures


Monday morning, I met Ange and James and the kids at the pet store so that the kids and I could get fish for my pond while Ange and James did some shopping.  I let them all pick one fish to put in my fish tank as well.  Aaron named his fish "Bubble", Bekah named hers "Alana?" and Leah named hers "Queen Theresa".  We brought them back to my house and put them in the tank and pond.  While Leah and Aaron helped to set up my tent and played on the hammock, Bek had a fascination with trying to poke the bag and make it turn over several times in the pond.  However, she reached over a little too far once and all I heard was a big splash!  Oops.  So she spent the next little bit in the sun trying to dry off.  What a goof!  As soon as all our fish were swimming happily, the tent had been set up and Bekah had dried off, we piled back into the van and headed to Oma and Opa's house.  Later that day we went swimming at Uncle Frank and Aunt Elsina's place and had a lot of fun.  It was the first time the kids had been in a pool this summer so we practiced for the swimming lessons they're going to have next summer.  Karen joined us at about 2.  

As this was their last night in Canada, Herb and Mim came over for dinner.  As usual, we had quite the spread, complete with pork loin, mushrooms, cobb salad, carrots, scalloped potatoes and two types of pie for dessert.

Later that evening we tried two new games called "The Game of Things" and "Last Word".  I would recommend both.  They're both a lot of fun.  

Pictures forthcoming ...

Sunday night

It was so special to have my sister Andrea, her husband James and their four kids in the bench behind me in church.  It is a very rare privilege and I had a hard time facing the front!  Ange actually gave me a hand-spanking in the air from down the bench, but it was done with a smile so I know I was forgiven.  Thankfully we sit in the balcony so there weren't too many people that I could have distracted.  It was such a great blessing to have Sarah be able to sit in church.  I know that she often does so back in Rock Valley, but this was a first for a Canadian visit!  After I had finished playing at Garden Manor, I went to Mom and Dad's to hang out with the family once again. After a quick supper and after the kids had gone to bed (and Tante Kim snuck upstairs to give them all kisses) :), we played the game Moods.  It was hilarious.  Karen and Nick ended up tying so they had a "mood-off" which proved to be quite entertaining.  One highlight would be when Ange had to read a sentence using the emotion of sneaky.  I'm pretty sure that we all had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard.


Saturday: kite and sprinkler fun


Thursday: Hanging out in the morning, splash pad in the afternoon, shopping in the evening

Highlights from a visit from Iowa

I love it when my family from Iowa comes to visit.  They are usually only able to come once a year and then I usually make the drive another time during the year.  This summer they stayed for a week spending one day with our family and the alternate days with the Sinkes.  Our schedule of events was not too full.  We spent some time painting toe nails (James excepted), playing in the sprinkler, flying kites, going to the splash pad, swimming at Uncle Frank and Aunt Elsina's, getting fish for my pond, playing store-bought and homemade games, shopping (again - James excluded), and just catching up with one another.

Tuesday: Nail painting, barbecue, Wii

Aaron's favorite line: "Boys don't paint nails.  They hammer them!"