Sunday 15 May 2011

A great few weekends!

 The sad thing about this score is that our team (the one with 0)
is actually doing better than what the final score ended up being! (6-1).  Ouch!

Janese, Jo, Emily, Mandy

The past few weekends have been filled with quite the variety of activities.  On Friday, April 29, I drove to Fergus to meet up with Emily and then drove with her to Toronto airport to pick up a teacher with the Dutch exchange students.  On the way back we picked up Jo and then headed to Mandy's for a sleepover.  After a sweet pancake brekkie, we headed to Brampton for the CRHL tournament.  Unfortunately, none of our teams seemed to make it into the finals, but we had a fun time cheering everyone on!


  1. Awwww Kim i love these pics! I had sooo much fun with you this weekend! :)

  2. =D

    I stole the pictures, ps.
