Tuesday 24 May 2011

Crazy adventures in Quebec

So last week I chaperoned a trip to Quebec City and had a blast - one of the best classes ever!  One of my favourite memories was when I went on the maiden voyage down the stairs to the concrete pad at the bottom of Montmorency Falls.  It was so fun and because of all the rain and melted snow, there were copious quantities of freezing water that would hit wave after wave.  

Other highlights included hanging out at our sweet ski lodges, doing the adventure course from tree to tree in gorgeous weather, ziplining upside down and hands-free at the end, doing the scavenger hunt with the addition of Waldo (or Charles, en francais), having the "date night" at the fancy dinner on the last night and helping to administer the crazy charges and punishments at Kangaroo Court!  Charges and punishments included: 1) Always talking about food - unsalted cracker eating contest, 2) Being boyfriends that did not know how to take care of children - changing poopy (chocolate pudding) diapers, 3) Having a whipped cream fight - doing an elephant fight, 4) Being too proud - painting his mom's toenails, 5) being in the kitchen too much - dressing in female clothes, 6) keeping a secret that one male student loves Taylor Swift too much - singing a duet but have him listen to the iPod so we only heard one half of the duet, 7) excessive singleness - act out the children's book "A Kiss for Little Bear", 8) finger dancing in public - air band contest to "The Cliffs of Dover". Here are some pictures for you to enjoy! :)

Blending into the mural the best

 Leapfrogging in a creative place

 Serenading a maitre d'.  He was really touched! :)

 Finding Waldo! :)

 Trying to board a ferry

 A reflection in a creative spot

 Spelling a French word

 The most creative "I can't believe we all fit in here!"

 Finding the youngest person and taking a picture with him/her

Walking someone else's dog

1 comment:

  1. Great pics (although I DID get a sneak peak!)

    Also, I'm loving the blog layout change, well done!
