Wednesday 28 September 2011

A great weekend "inn"deed

This past weekend was very relaxing and enjoyable.  I met up with my friends from the Kentucky mission trip and we just relaxed at the Rathfon - one of my favourite places in the world.  I love going there; it's like a retreat centre.  Friday night I left after school and got there at five, plenty of time to welcome the first group of guests which came at 8.  More people showed up periodically through the night.  I thought that we were going to have to spend most of the weekend inside because of the 70% chance of rain that was forecasted for the entire weekend.  Although it rained on Friday, it cleared up throughout the night and we had beautiful weather both Saturday and Sunday.  We were even able to go swimming in the lake on Sunday!  For those who are interested, the soup recipes and pumpkin bread recipe are listed on the "Dutch oven" tab. 

Here are some pictures of the weekend:

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