Wednesday 7 September 2011

Goals for 2011/2012 School Year

1) PRAISE GOD! Do that. There are many different ways.
2) Never miss a Herald submission
3) Never skip morning devotions with the staff
4) Come up with at least 2 activities we've never done with Student Council
5) Return all marking within a week or less of it being handed in
6) Initiate some sort of Spiritual Retreat
7) Keep my plants alive until June (at least)
8) Don't leave the school until the next day is fully planned, photocopies and lesson plans printed out and ready to go.
9) Speak in French almost all the time for grades 10 and 11.  Speak in French most of the time for grades 7-9.
10) Find more activities for students to dialogue with each other and practice speaking in French
11) Follow through with discipline procedures and be more consistent
12) Walk around the classroom more, using words to correct grammar, but also to give more encouragement
13) Eat well and find time to exercise at least 3 times a week
14) Change the bulletin boards at least once during the course of each semester. 
15) Don't compromise on personal devotion time
16) Find a prayer partner
17) Pray for my students every day
18) PRAISE GOD! Do that. There are many different ways.

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