Wednesday 11 April 2012

Easter respite

This past weekend I went up to a cottage in Stokes Bay (part of the Bruce Peninsula) with a group of friends - Emily, Ed, Sandra, Henrietta, Joel and Shaun.  Sandra and I left after the Good Friday service, picked up Ed and the kayaks in Hamilton, and then met up with Shaun, Joel and Emily in Guelph.  When we arrived at Henrietta's in Owen Sound, we helped put on her two kayaks and some of us even got a chance to drive in Lambert's (Henrietta's brother) dune buggy which was pretty sweet! :)  An hour later and we had arrived at the cottage, ate Joel's spaghetti supper, started a fire, played some euchre and Apples to Apples.  The next morning, we enjoyed Ed's scrumptious omelettes and then all but Sandra and I went out for a kayak ride.  When they got back, Em made some gourmet sandwiches (baked chicken/arugula/tomato, bacon/tomato/avocado, ham/swiss/poppyseed dressing).  That afternoon, we drove up to Cyprus Lake which is part of the Bruce Peninsula National Park for a hike and some adventuring.  It was gorgeous!  That night we had hamburgers and a campfire on the beach.  Sunday morning saw us driving to Owen Sound for church, then lunch at the Reininks, back to church and dinner provided by me (apple stuffed chicken, roasted veggies, mom's coleslaw, baked baguettes).  That evening was more euchre and chillaxing.  Monday after Sandra's bacon breakfast, Shaun, Joel, Sandra and I played a bit of Australian footy on the beach and then went for a hike.  When we got back, it was time to clean up camp and head home. Enjoy the pictures!

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