Sunday 1 April 2012

Already pondering ...

What to do for my 30th birthday?  Hmmm ... Should I take a vote?  Here are some options:

1) Go white water rafting
2) Experience zero gravity
3) Skydive - this is the one I'm most leaning towards
4) Ride on a motorcylce
5) Go rock-climbing
6) Hike the entire Bruce Trail - as part of a summer project?

These are a few of the options from my bucket list.  I'm planning to have a big party, too!  Suggestions for activities are welcome!  I know the big event is still 5 months away, but a recent Bowmanville boy's birthday basement bash has got me thinking about my own celebration.  Step one would be to find a location for this great event.  I was originally thinking about my sister's place but she will have just had a baby, so maybe that wouldn't be the greatest idea.  Then I got thinking about my parents' place which might work.  We could go for a hike at Ball's Falls and bring some sports equipment there.  And then I thought after being inspired by an innocent question from a friend ... Hmmm .. I wonder who might be at the Rathfon that week??  That would be ridiculously amazing! :)  Unlikely, but amazing! :)  Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I was about to suggest Campfire! when I realized...duh, summer camp.

    I've got my thinking cap on and I'm leaning towards skydiving - although hiking the Bruce Trail is something I'd like to do with you...heck, almost all of those things I want to do with you! :)
