Sunday 16 October 2011

Weekend reflections

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to a conference for modern language teachers ; that is to say, teachers of modern languages.  It was a rainy day way out in London suburbia  and this is the first time that I've ever attended a professional development conference where I knew no one.  I thought that I might see other French teachers from other private boards or even from my Brock days, but nope.  So I got the opportunity to meet some other people and have a lot of fun.  I was encouraged by seeing more ways to creatively engage my students in French - especially in authentic dialogue activities.  The final workshop was entitled "Amazing Race".  Although we were supposed to use cell phones to message back our answers, mine was simply not working so because no one else in my group had one, we ran back to our classroom every time.  It was a lot of fun.  It will be fun to try to implement something like this in Heritage.

After the conference I had a bit of time before Bible study in Brantford, so I did something I've never done before.  I went out to eat at a restaurant ALL BY MYSELF.  It was strange as I sort of felt like I was on display.  I felt that I was getting more stares than I would have received if I was with someone else.  Also, elderly people are the most curious about other diners.  I'm pretty sure that I was one lady's entertainment for the duration of her meal.  Awkward!

That evening I drove to Living Waters and it was good to be surrounded by friends and delve into discussions about history in relation to the Truth Project.  All in all - a good day!

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