Monday 10 October 2011

Cell phones

I suppose that cell phones are a necessary evil in today's modern society.  I have one but use it only for emergencies.  If I am working, it usually just stays in my car.

I like being social.  I like talking to people and just hanging out.  I often have things planned on the weekend so that I can enjoy others' company. Parties imply fun get-togethers with other people where you are social with them. At least, to me they do. However, I recently attended two parties where that understanding just didn't exist. At these parties, the understanding of being social was to sit in the same room while everyone else either played games or was in conversation with others via text on their cells.  It was the weirdest feeling - to look around a room with at least 10 people in it and see them on their cells.  Instead of making new acquaintances and having a real conversation with a real person in a room sitting on a real couch right next to you, the choice is made to isolate themselves from immediate society.  And when someone actually did start a conversation it was done with shifty eyes to make sure that the latest text was not missed or forgotten OR, no eye contact was never made.  Thanks.  Really meaningful.

Just to make this clear - I'm not banning texting from ever being an appropriate way to communicate.  If I need to send someone a brief message or reminder, I'll send a text.  I won't use my cell for extended conversations or if there are other people in the room.  It's extremely rude to them.

Does this mean I am getting old?  I can't abide the ways of today's youth?  Maybe.  Or maybe I just prefer being real and available with the people I'm with.  I know that I feel loved and cherished and important when people take time to focus on a conversation with  me and I like to have others feel the same.  Yes, with a conversation, you won't be able to hide behind emoticons or cyberspacial abbreviations.  You won't have the option of avoiding the individual. But your life will be more enriched when you have actual conversations with people - that I can promise.  

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